Monday, September 27, 2010

Chicago's Greenest Home

     Recently in my sci-fi class, we have been researching technology topics that relates to science fiction. The first thing that came to my mind was this house. This is the greenest house in Chicago at the science museum. The reason it is the greenest is because it is run on many types of renewable energy resources like solar and wind. The most interesting part of the house is the newest technology that is used in the house. The most interesting piece of technology was an electric plug that didn't require a plug. It looks like a wooden cutting board on a kitchen countertop, but it was actually electromagnetic coils underneath. You can put any object that requires electricity by simply placing it on the board and it will turn on. This isn't even in the market yet and I got to see it. It was a fascinated tool to witness. However, I decided my technology project to be about public electric car chargers.

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