Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Omega Man

(Austin Powers' stunt double)

This movie was one of the two project on. The first movie we saw was "The Omega Man." This movie was about Dr. Neville, who found the cure for this 'zombie-like' disease that spread like wild fire. It eventually took over the human race and the cure wasn't able to reach anybody because Neville became the "last man on Earth". Neville didn't get the disease because he shot himself up with the vaccine and survived. He later on found other survivors who had successfully ran away from it all but they still needed the cure. Neville gave it to them by drawing his blood but sadly died from trying to fight off the zombie people.
This movie was terrible/weird. It is more interesting than "I Am Legend" only because there was some funny dialogue. Neville talks to himself way too much. It is understandable that you would go a little bit crazy if you had no one to talk to, but his crazy is something you would find in, "Acting for Dumbies." It was a good laugh though.

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